Amanda is a regular contributor to The Ethical Edit and covers topics relating to tiny living, motherhood, saving money, and where to find sustainable products online. Read her posts, and posts she has contributed to below!
Interested in giving minimalism a try? Check out these 10 dos and don’ts before diving in!
Participating in slow and sustainable fashion doesn’t have to cost much, and can actually save money. So I’m going to offer 6 simple ideas for how you can participate in slow fashion without spending a dime!
Cloth diapering can help you save money and reduce your environmental impact! Learn more and find some helpful resources in this post from contributor Amanda Mariott.
I’ve spent about 2.5 years living tiny, and 5 months of that has been with a baby. My husband, baby and I are all in a space of about 350 sq ft. Here is how we thrive in such a tiny home!
When it comes to sustainability and fashion, certified organic cotton is definitely a step in the right direction. Check out these four reasons why organic cotton is so much better for you and the planet!
Want to start a sustainable wardrobe but aren’t sure where to start? This beginner’s guide to starting a capsule wardrobe will help, plus you get a FREE checkllist!