4 easy ways to reduce waste and save money

You guys, I must be frank. Buying products to review is expensive. Plus after I buy three different types of deodorant to review, I have three different types of deodorant sitting around. So.... yeah. Today I was trying to dream up something I could post about that I already have kicking around my house, and what I could write about it. So here are four easy ways to reduce waste, either using the stuff you already have at home, or for less than $20.

1.  Be mindful of washing machine settings. If you're doing a small load, set the machine to small to help save water. Easy!

2. Be stingy with your water. Do you really need the tap on full blast when you're brushing your teeth? Do you really need to spend 20 minutes in the shower EVERY time? Turn down the tap, and scrub your scalp a little faster.

3. Reduce energy waste by turning the heat or A/C down or off when you're not home. This is assuming you're not living somewhere or experiencing a time of year that has super low or high temperatures. For me in Vancouver, this is totally doable for most of the year. For much of the year we have the heat off or on low even when we're home, which also saves us money. Just put on some socks and go.

4. Invest in and use a compost bucket. Compost goes in the bucket, and that bucket gets emptied into the organics bin. Simple! You can find these at pretty much any grocery or hardware store if you look around or on Amazon. Or if you have some land like my parents, you can get a big composter for the back yard and use it to fertilize the garden.

What are your tricks for reducing waste within your home? Tell me in the comments below or share and encourage your friends to reduce their waste as well.

4 easy ways to reduce waste and save money