How Living with Less Adds Joy | Interview with Kate Hall of Ethically Kate
Hey everyone! For the second instalment of my interview series, I want to introduce you (again) to one of my fave internet friends - Kate Hall, the wonderful human behind the blog Ethically Kate. I've featured her before on my Instagram (psst follow me at @thehonestroot if you aren't already!) and on my blog post about fashion for the conscious traveller. She is so upbeat, so creative, so beautiful, and so... just... everything you'd want in a ethical lifestyle blogger. So here you are, friends. Meet Kate. Be amazed, and learn why living with less and seeking out sustainable alteratives is totally do-able.
Interview with Kate Hall of Ethically Kate
Please introduce yourself and tell me a bit about your blog.
Ethically Kate is a platform for people to come and feel encouraged by eco living alternatives, and sustainable fashion alternatives. I aim to spread the message that living with less footprint on the planet is totally doable, and actually adds more happiness and contentment to your life. I have a shop platform where I put only brands who I can personally back and support, and a blog section which also includes all the pieces that I write for other people (as a freelance writer).
In 15 words or less, what is the main mission or ethos of Ethically Kate?
The world is too beautiful to waste, and it's not hard to respect it.
What made you start Ethically Kate?
My personal Instagram was super small, and only a small thing I would post on every few weeks. After watching The True Cost in August 2015, I decided that if I was going to commit to ethical fashion (something I had always thought about, growing up in an eco-friendly fam), I would do it wholeheartedly. I started emailing the brands, tagging them in posts, and it slowly (and by accident!) grew into something that is now becoming less of a hobbie and more of a full time job.I lived in Mongolia when I was 9-10 for 2 years, so my desire to be a voice for those who cannot speak up, has always been on fire. Looking after my global community is what I strive to do.
In an ideal situation where you had every resource at your disposal, where would your blog be in the next 5 years?
I would be talking about ethical fashion all over the world. I would be working with brands to share their message, ethos, and products as the ideal alternatives, but mainly educating in a fun, interactive, and positive way.
What or who inspires you the most?
Not to sound cliche, but nature and it's people inspire me. Seeing how amazing everyone is, and knowing there are amazing people being exploited, is what makes me mad- and therefore, inspired.
What do you think about the future of conscious consumerism?
Conscious consumerism is growing, but not fast enough. It's definitely seeping into the mainstream. We need to start working on the big companies, rather than supporting so many small companies and hoping that one day they will take over. The bigger companies aren't going to go away, so conscious consumer tactics and strategies and knowledge needs to be pushed from the big brands. We need to infiltrate them- work with what they have, and change from the inside.
Have you received any wise words lately?
The land is lonely for the stories of its people (from the founder of WE-AR) - talking about how we are all being squished into cities.
What is one thing you've done that you're really proud of?
I'm proud of quitting my full-time job (which was great and fun!) and going out on my own. I now own a child care business with 18 employees and do freelancing and eco-fashion too. It was a huge jump, and I am still scared every day. But its okay. I'm proud of myself!
Interview with Kate Hall of Ethically Kate
Help us get to know YOU a little better!
What or where is your happy place?
My happy place is being by the beach (where I live), and making things in my colourful home office, or kitchen. I love making things with my hands, and being able to hear the ocean close by- with my best friend/husband by my side. Oh and of course I'll be wearing some colourful overalls with a scarf and brooch somewhere on me!
If your brand/business/blog were an Ice Cream flavour, what flavour would it be?
Hokey Pokey (a New Zealand classic!). It's classic, classy, but kicks a punch when you bite into the hard bits.
Puns or knock-knock jokes?
Puns, please.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs all day.
Birds or fish?
Birds! I have a pet bird who is 11- I hand raised him from 4 weeks old.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Books or movies or TV?
Books (but now that I write so much, I feel like movies are taking over books- too many words!!)
If you could move anywhere else in the world to live for 1 year, where would it be?
Melbourne city- so much going on in the world of eco-fashion, and so much of my world is over there! I live on Skype.
If you liked this interview with Kate about living with less and finding sustainable alternatives, leave a comment below! Share how you're living with less or how you're finding sustainable alternatives.
INTERVIEW with Kate Hall of Ethically Kate - an ethical lifestyle blog and shop