Honest LUSH Shampoo Bar Review : 5 thoughts on this low waste shampoo alternative


I've been using the Seanik LUSH no packaging bar shampoo for a little over three months now, in a few different climates and water qualities as I travelled Paris and Malta in June, went to the southern states for work (also in June), and then came back to the west coast of Canada. And as an ex-hairstylist, I feel that at this point I can offer a pretty good rundown of how this low waste shampoo alternative works, so read on for my review of the Seanik LUSH shampoo bar review.

Before we start, please note: I have medium to long hair that's fine but plentiful and these days is easily over-moisturized (I only condition once a week and that can be a bit much). My hair can be either very curly or pin-straight, depending on the shampoo and conditioner I use - but more on that later. So as we go through this review, keep all of that in mind to help you gauge if this product could work for you.

Seanik LUSH Shampoo Bar Review

In short, I love it. I absolutely love this product. If you try one hair product I recommend on this blog, please let it be the bar shampoo from LUSH. Seriously. They're not even paying me to say any of this. I purchased and then repurchased this shampoo with my own moolah.

So besides the obvious benefits of reducing waste and being made of primarily natural ingredients, here's why I love it:

1. It's really easy to use and store.

Dare I say it's easier than liquid shampoo? Yeah, I think I dare, because you don't have to worry about half of it sliding off your hand and into the drain! It did take me one or two shampoos to get used to how to hold the bar and put it away without getting water in the re-usable storage tin (that I bought for a few extra bucks), but after the initial learning curve, it's no sweat.

2. It cleans really well.

For everyday use, you'll be squeaky clean, no problem. When I'm very sweaty after a bike ride, I do a couple passes with the shampoo, which is normal for me. If I were using liquid shampoo, I'd shampoo twice after a workout.


3. It smells amazing.

Bear with my nostalgia here: not only does this shampoo already smell like the sea, but I began using it while vacationing in Paris and Malta and so now those memories are attached to this shampoo for me. So if you try this, take the opportunity to imagine yourself travelling some gorgeous exotic location on the ocean. You're welcome.

4. The price point is comparable to natural shampoos.

At $11.95 CAD plus a couple bucks for the reusable tin, it gave me a little sticker shock at first. But friend, it was worth it! It's been three months of using the bar approximately every two days and it's still got a few washes left before it's totally done.

5. It leaves my hair with great curl.

My hair is weird. It will either be very wavy and sometimes even curly, or pin straight depending on which shampoo I use. This shampoo does exactly what I've always wished for from a shampoo: it leaves my hair squeeky clean and also soft and also bouncy and also wavy as heck! I've never met a shampoo that did it quite like this one does it for me. And as I mentioned, I used to be a hairstylist and have sampled many-a-shampoo... So the fact that this is so unique for my hair is sayin' somethin'.

From reading the ingredients, I can guess why this is. This shampoo contains both Nori seaweed and sea salt. Nori seaweed is supposed to aid hair health, and sea salt is well-known for creating amazing texture in wavy hair. That's why a dip in the ocean leaves some people with those beachy waves, and why a sea salt and water spray can help create those beachy waves from home.

So, what do you think? Would you try this shampoo? Leave your thoughts below!

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