Finding Joy Sustainably in the Winter Months

With Christmas in the rear-view mirror and a few dark months before Spring, I thought we could talk about simple, sustainable ways to make these winter months more bearable – maybe even enjoyable!

A few days after the cold hit, I was talking with a friend who introduced me to a (new to me) concept: Hygge (pronounced Hue-Gah). Hygge is a Danish term that comes with many definitions, but what most stood out to me about the culture of Hygge is that it focuses on comfort, coziness, and enjoying the little things in the present.

But more than just being conscious of the good things, it’s a feeling. A feeling of comfort, coziness, and enjoyment. From the glow of a flickering candle to the delight of that first sip of coffee in the morning, any time you feel the coziness, that’s Hygge. Though I’m certainly not an expert on Hygge, it inspired me to think more deeply about how to enjoy winter life.

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Savouring the Now

I think we can all admit that, at least at times, we are guilty of rushing through the present moment because we are so distracted by what is to come. For people like me who generally dread the coming of winter, that is such a sad mindset to have! What a terrible way to waste at least a quarter of the year.

Many times, I’ve had to stop my never-ending future-thinking and just be. For example, as I was driving home from the airport one morning, my mind was racing with all the things I could do with the day. Then I noticed the glistening of street lights on the frost-covered trees, and the quiet emptiness of the road on a beautifully dark Saturday morning. How many other wonderful moments like this am I missing because of almost endless future-planning? What if we commit to enjoying these precious moments throughout the year, not always thinking about the next vacation or warm, sunny day? I think life would become more enjoyable.

Quick How-To Ideas

In theory, it’s nice to plan to enjoy the present, but to actually create a lasting culture of coziness in your life can be another story. Here are a few sustainable ideas for cultivating comfort and enjoyment in your life:

  1. Set reminders in your phone that will go off throughout the day, week or month (whatever interval works for you), that will remind you to stop and be thankful for the present. 

  2. Find a florist that sources locally, and add some fresh-cut flowers to a central place in your home. You’ll bring life to your space and support your community, all in one go.

  3. Develop a morning or evening routine that you enjoy. Maybe it’s as simple as brewing ethically grown coffee every morning and taking the time to be thankful for it, or following a guided meditation in the evenings. Whatever it is, pick something that you can look forward to and savour each day. 

  4. Find winter hobbies. Personally, I love visiting independent tea and coffee shops, or staying home wrapped in a blanket to write and drink tea. For some people, ice fishing or snowboarding are weekly activities. You can also try checking in with Facebook Events for local craft and vendor shows, or other community activities happening near you.

  5. Light a sustainable candle. It wouldn’t be Hygge without the beautiful flickering of a candle.

  6. Keep doing the things you love. This may seem like a no-brainer, but I know that the cold and the dark can suck the motivation out of us. Luckily, making it through dreary days or months can often be as simple as doing the things we genuinely love. Find ways to stay motivated to do the things you love, and substitutions for those things that just aren’t possible in the winter.  For me, I’ve had to substitute evening runs with in-home workouts. What can you do to motivate yourself, or substitute to keep doing what you love?

I’d love to hear your ideas! What do you do to enjoy the winter months?