Is this brand sustainable? 3 things every sustainable brand should do.

Wondering whether or not your favourite brand is sustainable? Here’s a quick starter pack for how to know if a brand is sustainable. Look for these three things and don’t forget to take your time choosing quality pieces that will last!

1. Protect their workers. The brand should be committed to fair pay, equality, reasonable working hours and safe working conditions.

2. Lessen their environmental impact. The brand should make a significant effort to use eco-friendly materials and lessen their environmental impact.

3. Be transparent. The brand should have detailed information about these efforts readily available either on their website or upon request.

But that's just the beginning! There is so much to learn about this topic, so definitely continue learning and growing your knowledge in this area.

And I know it can feel like an overwhelming topic, so give yourself grace and time to learn. Six years ago I knew absolutely nothing about sustainability. But through a lot of learning and growth and addressing my own bad habits I have changed the way I shop, and you can too! We're all in this together