6 things I've learned in 3 years of sustainable + ethical living


In 2015 I jumped head first into trying to buy all ethical and sustainable products and in 2017 I started really seriously blogging and sharing my efforts. And while it turned out to be a bit more of a challenge than I originally thought, it's also turned out to be an amazing journey and movement that I'm really happy to be a part of. Through all the trial and error, mistakes and victories I've learned a great many things about myself and about being a more sustainable and ethical person, and I wanted to share a bit about my journey and what I’ve learned. Enjoy!

1. Buying things that are ethically or sustainably made feels good.

I used to frantically participate in fast fashion and totally irresponsible consumption. And I mean I would be at the mall almost every weekend and would usually buy at least one item. It was so bad that I used to have to give my credit cards to trusted friends to hold on to. There would be very specific rules about when they were to give the card back to me, and then I'd have to hand it back to them after I was done with it.

Living like that did not feel good. I was living only for myself with no regard for the way my actions affected others. Not cool! Being careful about what and WHY I buy has not only helped make an impact for good for others, but really helped me be a happier person and save a few bucks in the long run.

2. I am extremely good at justifying my own laziness or mistakes.

I'm not proud if this and it's something that really needs to change. I'm really, really good at finding reasons why using plastic is still OK, or buying a “necessity” from an unethical store is OK even tho I technically could have afforded the more ethical version (work pants, I'm looking at you!). And although there definitely is a time and place to give yourself grace if you’ve hunted high and low for the right thing and just can’t find it, I tend to do it more often than I should. Whoops.

3. Being 100% ethical and sustainable simply isn't possible at this time.

I love what Olivia from Simply Liv & Co said about this (her post actually inspired this one!):

When I say it's "not possible" to shop ethically, I mean that in today's world, it's simply NOT possible to live a life that is 100% sustainable, ethical, and slow 100% of the time. You might buy Polyester. You might use plastic from time to time. You might buy a bra from Victoria's Secret that you'll wear till it dies, instead of finding an ethically made option that wouldn't fit anyway. You might mess up, and that's ok. It's not possible to be perfect, but it's worth every good step you take. 

4. Lots of people don't "get it," but there are a lot who do.

I was really scared going into this thing that no one would " get" my idea... I thought everyone would find me weird and not want to hang out any more, haha! And while there certainly have been those with negative things to say, there have been even more cheering me on and supporting me the best they can. There is also a whole world of other influencers out there who are so lovely and helpful, and that's made a big difference to me. I think that's one of the most important things you can do when making a big change: find a community of like-minded people who are positive and encouraging.

5. There are a LOT of ways to be more ethical or sustainable.

When I first started this journey, I genuinely had no clue how big this community is and no clue how many ways there are to be sustainable and ethical. I was mainly focused on Fair Trade and reducing harm to farm animals, as well as a few eco-friendly efforts I was making. I barely knew the words minimalism, tiny living, zero waste, slow fashion, circular economy, etc etc. I knew a few certification logos, but had limited knowledge about it. I'm sure I still have very limited knowledge in many (or most) aspects. However as my knowledge base has grown I find it exciting to see how many ways people manage to make a difference in their own way!

6. Ethical and Sustainable products are easy to find. 

Maybe at first it feels overwhelming, but there are so many brands doing amazing work and so many bloggers and influencers making sure these brands are easy to find that at this point there is something for just about everyone at different price points. That’s what I like to see!