5 Quick Ideas for Reducing Waste


Hey, friends! World Environment Day is tomorrow (June 5th), so I thought I'd jot down a couple of my favourite quick ideas for reducing waste and being a little more earth-friendly. If you're new to the sustainability movement or are just looking for a little encouragement, hopefully this post will give you a boost. Also, make sure you share the small but powerful choices you make on Tuesday by using the hashtags #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatPlasticPollution, or comment below.

1. Reject straws. A couple months ago I started asking for no straws in my drinks at restaurants. It felt really awkward at first, but it's gotten a lot easier! Sure, you get a couple funny looks, but after a while, that kind of stopped bothering me. I believe in what I'm doing - and I know you can do it too! If you're passionate about the planet, this is one way to put a dent in the crazy amount of plastic we use each year.

2. Be careful to turn off the lights and taps. I am so bad at this, hubby is way better than me at remembering to turn off the lights! Show the planet some love and cut down on the clean water and electricity you use for at least one day. If you can - make it a habit to turn off lights and taps when not in immediate use.

3. Compost everything you can. If something can be composted instead of just sent to the landfill, it's best to opt for that.

4. Ask for a "for here" mug/cup. If you're heading to a coffee shop and plan to sit in, ask for a "for here" mug or cup so they won't give you the plastic. I know some coffee shops still use the plastic to measure sometimes, but hopefully this will help cut out at least some of the waste!

5. Tell a friend! Tell just one friend about World Environment Day and encourage them to participate in any of the quick ideas for reducing waste that I shared above. Plus, don't forget to share what you're doing down below in the comments and on social media with the hashtags #WorldEnvironmentDay and #BeatPlasticPollution.